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Each staff member also undergoes the necessary training and upgrading programmes essential to the provision of quality services for our clients. These include management and workplace enhancement skills training and courses.

Specialist Diploma in Construction Productivity

Risk Management

Formwork Safety for Supervisors

Environmental Control Officer Course

ISO Internal Auditor Training

Underground Service Detection

Spring-Nanyang SME Hi Potential Leadership

Fire Safety for Manager

Hydraulic Excavator Operation

Contract Law for Non-Lawyers

Construction Safety for Project Managers

Metal scaffold Erection

PSSCOC & SIA conditions of main and subcontract

Building and Construction Safety for Supervisors

Welding courses

ISO Quality Management

Work-At-Height for Supervisor

Workplace safety and health

Construction site


The well-being of all our staff is our priority and we have set policies and guidelines to ensure the safety and health of every member within our organization. 

Our safety & health programme aims to eliminate dangerous working conditions and practices, and to prevent the occurrence of accidents, injuries or damages to property.


Our Project Managers, Engineers, Foremen / Supervisors, WSH Officers, WSH Supervisors and Sub-Contractors have primary responsibility on site for the well-being of staff and the public. They are also assisted by all sub-contractors who promote safe working practices and maintain equipment in safe working conditions. Supervisory staff also serve to ensure safe working practices are not overlooked. 


In our continual efforts towards a safe working environment, we aim to maintain good safety records by achieving an Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) of no more than 1.5 for each construction project we undertake.

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